Thursday, October 18, 2007


There can be only one winner (I'll give ya a hint, it wasn't dufus dawg).

A pleasant walk came to a pointy end this afternoon. Was Darwin's and my first time seeing a Porcupine. I wanted to stay and check it out but then I saw Darwin's Hellraiser impersonation.
I thought about taking a photo but worried about being thought cruel and heartless at the expense of my dog...
She was really good about the whole thing, more annoyed than distressed about having quills in her tongue.
Good thing I work for a vets, get to queue jump and assist.
Good old fashioned Vinegar is the cure, it softens the quills up for easier extraction. That and some mild sleepy drugs did the trick.
Now she is jumping about irked she didn't get her walk. Ahh the resilience of the young.

Jeez, she was NO where near as bad as this dog. She only had about 50 quills not 1000.