Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Its Spring Break...woo, at least in this part of Arizona. Schools and Uni get a week off, so the town is pretty empty at the moment which it sucky for bar jobs that rely on tips to eat. I just made a yummy chicken omlete with salsa so I'm not wasting away just yet.
Rob, L the kids and Darwin drove the 12 hours to spend a week in the family cabin in California to relax and visit Granny and other rellies. Its so beautiful over there and they are having fun, Darwin is finding many cowpats to roll in and learning how to swim in the creek.
Mike and I are flying out there tomorrow and back on Friday, a quick trip but we are free for those days.
Walnut Canyon, cliff dwellings line the walls.

I have been foot loose and fancy free...On Friday I drove out to Walnut Canyon National Monument which is so close to town. Its excellent, we went there 7 years ago and its still amazing.
The Sinagua (Spanish for 'without water') built walls in the overhanging cliffs for rooms about 800 years ago. You look down the canyon and see more dwellings on the other sides, which look like they drop straight off. I hope the kids were tied on somehow. In early 1900 the explorers and pothunters would dynamite the walls to get more access and light. The Indiana Jones method of archaeology.

One of the rooms, can see the old fire marks.

After soaking up the sun and history, I went and saw 'Zodiac', about the unsolved murders in San Fransico in the '60's and 70's. It focused on the investigation and the obsession of Robert Greysmith a cartoonist for the SF Chronicle. The movie is based on his book. Its very interesting and worth a look. Plus Jake Gyllenhaal isn't too shabby.

Doorway of light.

Worked Saturday and Sunday. Saturday- St Patricks Day is also our 6 year wedding thingy. So I celebrated it with a couple of beers and Thai food. I haven't had Thai for months, and really miss it. Walking in the door and the smell of the place made me go weak at the knees. I polished off a entree and a Green Chicken Curry with rice in no time.

Working this afternoon, then on a plane tomorrow. Have fun y'all
